Opportunity Details

Casa Alitas Welcome Center - Tucson, Arizona


Project HOPE and SEAHEC (Southeast Arizona Health Education Center) are partnering to support and welcome asylum-seekers newly arrived to the US. Project HOPE medical volunteers will provide support at the Casa Alitas Welcome Center, under the leadership and guidance of the Southeast Arizona Health Education Center. The program aims to ensure the safety and well-being of all guests as they arrive and prepare to join their family members and sponsors throughout the United States, through provision of health education, triage, care or referrals, and connecting guests with information and trusted partners across the US.



Detailed Information:

Volunteer Positions:
Medical Volunteer: Physician, Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physcian Assistant
Students: Triage Assistant, Translator, Health Educator, Primary Care Physician Helper, Administration

Casa Alitas Welcome Center - Tucson, Arizona
Volunteer is required to either be located in Tucson, AZ or surrounding areas, and have transportation to and from Casa Alitas for volunteer work.


Volunteers will be engaged based on their licensed and credentialed specialty area as a physician, nurse or other medical specialist and will only be able to engage as a medical volunteer in the context of that position. Casa Alitas is largely volunteer-based, and the different roles that volunteers play at the shelter include:

Medical: Each guest receives screening for health issues to identify immediate needs and ensure they are healthy and stable to travel to their next destination. Project HOPE and Casa Alitas medical volunteers support screening, triage, and work to address immediate health issues such as provision of first aid, wound care, dehydration, and prescribing medications/refills (as authorized per licensing and credentials). Medical volunteers will have access to a medical room with basic supplies, and will work in coordination with SEAHEC and Casa Alitas staff and volunteers. (Note: All guests receive COVID-19 screening at intake, with positive cases and family members referred for quarantine and monitored by a separate, dedicated medical team).

Other: Casa Alitas Welcome Center provides various services to guests, including Intake/Assessment of Needs, Meals, Clothing, and Transportation to bus terminal or airport.

**Please note, the flow of new guests may vary significantly, therefore medical volunteers may be asked to assist with other day-to-day activities at the Welcome Center if/when there is limited medical assistance needed**

- Licensed and credentialed in their respective medical field/specialty.
- Volunteers will abide by our three fundamental values respect, integrity, and a strong work ethic.
- Positive, flexible, compassionate, and a team player.
- Willing to do non-medical tasks that are outside of your scope with a "no task is below me" attitude.
- Volunteers are a representative of Project HOPE and therefore are expected to uphold Project HOPE''s Code of
Ethics and operate at the highest level of integrity in every engagement.

Eligibility Requirements: